Non verranno più prodotte Pokémon Shirts a causa della chiusura di Original Stitch

Pokémon Shirts era una serie di camicie fabbricate e vendute da Original Stitch che, dopo tanto tempo che erano state esclusiva giapponese, erano finalmente state rese disponibili anche da noi. Ma ora questo servizio chiuderà a breve.

No, non è colpa di The Pokémon Company, questo incidente è colpa proprio della chiusura di Original Stitch, come riportato sul loro sito ufficiale (che al momento non sembra essere raggiungibile):

Important Announcement: Closure of Pokémon Shirts
Dear Valued Pokémon Shirts Customers,

Today, we have some important news to share regarding the future of Pokémon Shirts. After four incredible years since our establishment in 2019, we regret to inform you that Pokémon Shirts will be closing its doors on June 11, 2023 at 19:00 pm PST, due to the termination of Original Stitch’s business.
We would like to express our deepest gratitude for your unwavering support and patronage throughout this journey. It has been an absolute pleasure serving you and witnessing your enthusiasm for our Pokémon-inspired clothing. Your love for the brand and the Pokémon universe has been the driving force behind our dedication to creating unique and stylish custom clothing options.
We understand that this news may come as a disappointment, but we want to assure you that we are committed to making the remaining sales periods memorable for our valued customers.

Please note the following important details:
1. All web content on the official Pokémon Shirts website, including Pokémon Shirts patterns and wallpaper download content, will become inaccessible once the brand ends on June 11, 2023 at 19:00 PST. We encourage you to visit our website and download any desired patterns or wallpapers before this date.
2. For any defective products, we will accept replacements or repairs within two weeks after the delivery of the final product. Please note that this policy only applies to unused products.
3. If you have any questions or concerns during this transitional period, our customer support team is here to assist you. Please contact us for any assistance you may require.

Once again, we would like to extend our sincere gratitude for your support, passion, and dedication to Pokémon Shirts powered by Original Stitch over the past four years. It is customers like you who have made this brand a special place for Pokémon fans to express their love for these beloved creatures.
As we prepare to bid farewell, we hope that you continue to cherish the memories made with your custom Pokémon apparel and the joy they have brought to your Pokémon journey.
Thank you once again for being a part of our story.

Pokémon Shirts Ho-Oh pattern

L’11 giugno sarà quindi l’ultimo giorno in cui sarà possibile acquistare una camicia brandizzata Pokémon con i disegni che potete vedere sulla pagina di Bulbapedia (per lo meno, quando il sito tornerà online). Col tempo erano stati rilasciati design basati su Pokémon fino alla quarta generazione, alcuni di ottava e alcuni design speciali (incluse tre camicie a tema estivo rivelate solo poche settimane fa).

Pokémon Shirts Lugia pattern

Cosa ne pensate? Avevate comprato una camicia Pokémon Shirts? Quale design Tra quelli presenti era il vostro preferito? Fateci sapere la vostra, come sempre, nei commenti sui nostri canali social!